Loans and borrowing is not nearly as flexible and easy as it seems. It isn’t just about getting your application approved and availing the money, you have ensure that the amount you have borrowed will be flexible and convenient to pay off. If you are counting on luck, chances, or better future prospects, you are […]
Fixed Income Mortgage : What is it and why is it beneficial?
What does the term fixed income imply? It refers to an investment that comes with a fixed-rate payback policy for a fixed duration of time. Bonds are the most popular and widely used fixed income investment method, and they are issued by the Federal, Provincial and Municipal governments, and even the Federal Crown Corporations. Most […]
Everything you need to know about mortgage notes!
There are various efficiently risk geared and easy methods for real estate investors to access cash with the help of tax-advantaged IRAs, and indeed, mortgage-backed notes or deeds of trust, are the most popular, widely used and most reliable of all these methods. If you want to step into the real estate investment business, or […]
An Interactive Talk about the Capital Markets
With the evolution of financial marketing and investment, the lending and borrowing business has welcomed the emergence of new markets that facilitate and benefit selling and buying financial equities and instruments. Capital markets play a vital role in the productive and effective functioning of an economy, because needless to say, capital is the essence of […]
A Comprehensive guide about Non-Performing paper and its cause
When you apply for a bank loan, there are certain terms and conditions laid out to outline your payback plan and ensure that you are able to return your loan payments and the given interest rates regularly and on time. However, in certain cases borrowers fail to repay their loans according to the prepared payback […]
Can I Sell Part of My Mortgage Note?
Owner Financing doesn’t have to mean waiting years or decades to receive money. Sellers have the choice to sell all or just part of their future payments for cash today. Option 1 – When note buyers purchase all the remaining payments on a land contract, mortgage note, or trust deed it is considered a full […]
Payment Histories Increase Note Values
Want top dollar when selling mortgage notes? Increase the value with payment histories! Keeping an accurate record of the payments received on a mortgage note is essential for knowing how much the buyer still owes. This also establishes a record of their payment habits – with an added benefit. The value of a note can […]
Learn the Value of Your Mortgage Note
Wondering just how much your mortgage note is worth? The value of a note or contract is affected by many factors including the: Down Payment Terms of the Note Buyer’s Credit Rating and Payment History Type of Property Sold and Its Current Value Since each transaction is unique, we offer a free note analysis based […]
How to Sell Your Mortgage Note
Want freedom from collecting payments for the next 10, 20, or even 30 years? Prefer a lump sum of cash today? If you sold property with seller financing chances are you’ve wondered about selling the real estate note. Here’s how to sell a mortgage note, trust deed, or contract in 7 easy steps. Step #1 […]